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Ready to dive deep into your mind? Curious about what's beyond the physical practice and want to connect the dots? We've got just the ticket. Join us for an immersive and expansive weekend with the author of The Yamas & Niyamas, Deborah Adele! 


Where Are We Now?
Saturday 12:00PM-2:30PM

Ancient yogic texts speak about times like this: times of despair, suffering, fear, anxiety, corruption, and lies. They also speak to how to live in these times in a way that makes a difference not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others.

In this workshop we will explore these yogic concepts in light of our own experience.

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The Mind: Where Entanglement and Freedom Meet
Saturday 3:30-6:00PM

Current research confirms what yoga has understood for centuries: the mind is the key to suffering and to freedom. Left to ourselves, we become entangled in habits and thoughts that lead to unhappiness. In this workshop we will explore yoga’s profound understanding of the mind, it’s search for happiness in the wrong places, and the practices that turn the mind towards the joy and fulfillment we long for.

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The Yamas: “Can You Just Stop Making Things Worse then They Are?”
Sunday 12:00PM-2:30PM

With the events of today, we are encountering a new level of challenge. It is imperative that we grow ourselves up to meet these challenges. But how to do this? The yamas, when understood as a conversation with our life in the context of the world we live in, grows us into deeper skill and discernment of right action. In this workshop, we’ll explore how this happens.

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The Niyamas: New Habits for the Mind
Sunday 3:30PM-6:00PM

The niyamas are an invitation to cultivate the finer qualities of being for the mind and heart. They teach the mind and heart to love tranquility and harmony. They bring out the inner powers of benevolence, fearlessness, and compassion. It is from here that we are able to act in the world with unstoppable clarity and courage.

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(All workshops include lecture, discussion, and gentle practice.)

Cost: $40 per session. $140 for full weekend if registered by March 1! Auto-Debit + Annual members receive 20% off individual sessions.

Click the link below each description to register. All links include a pass for the full weekend!


March 16


April 6